Sunday, April 29, 2012

Inner Beauty

Confession: I was a smoker at one point in my life. Fortunately, it was a short phase and easy for me to quit. I remember at one point during this phase, a good friend said to me, “Jessica, you are beautiful on the outside, but you are making yourself ugly on the inside?” I thought about that today, as I look at women around me and pictures of beautiful people. Many of us are aware of our outer appearance, but how many of us are concerned with our inner beauty. What do you think your organs look like? Are your lungs blackened? Is your liver enlarged? Are the rest of your organs inflamed? Think about this for a few seconds.

You may not have any physical symptoms of the ugliness going on inside. In fact, I have taken the x-rays and seen the lab results of some beautiful people, only to find out they are really messed up inside. They have had no pain or symptoms (or have ignored them) up until they come in to see me.

I challenge you to come into an awareness of what you may look like on the inside. Also, if your body is expressing a symptom of any kind, what is it telling you? Many times symptoms of poor health will show up in the eyes, teeth, nails or skin. Think about what you are putting into your body, or on your body, or the everyday toxins around you. Once you have the knowledge then you can take action.

Blessings and Love,

Dr. J

*To the right you will find some websites and books that can give you the tools to become informed about your health. I would recommend subscribing to Dr. Mercola's site to start. "Healthy Child Healthy World" is also a good one to subscribe to. I also welcome your questions and thoughts so feel free to contact me.

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