Lately I find myself reading up on pregnancy and pediatrics in relation to health topics more and more. As my desire to become a mother grows, I get the feeling that I am studying for my board exams on motherhood. I have studied up on pregnancy and infants since getting married about 6 years ago, and while I have no intention on having a child right now, I figure that I went to school for 8 years to become a chiropractor (and continue to study), so why would I not study up on how to become a mother?
I say all this to encourage women to take charge of their health and the health of their family at whatever stage they are in. I have met many mothers who struggle with their diet and exercise because of busy lifestyles. The parents’ lifestyle is then passed on to the kiddos. I understand how great a responsibility it is to be a mother and also see how raising a healthy child is difficult. I know I have no experience and therefore have no place to judge. I only want to encourage. I have seen and experienced mothers who have made a change in the lifestyle of their family. So for those who those who need hope, you have it.
The greatest weapon we have is knowledge. Here is a list of the top things a parent should be aware of and some helpful resources.
- What are you and your family eating? You should be aware of the effect of certain “foods” and the chemicals in them. Is your family eating real food or manufactured “food”? Think about making all food at home if you can, even baby food. (Books: “The Crazy Makers”, “Inflammation Nation”, “Hidden Food Allergies”, “Skinny Bitch: Bun in the Oven”)
- Are you a woman with no intention of getting pregnant? Did you know that what you do to your body now affects your future child? (Magazine: “Pathways”, Book: “The Crazy Makers”)
- Don’t even think about doing anything but breastfeeding. This is one of the greatest things you can do for your baby. Look into milk banks if you cannot breastfeed. AVOID milk from animals and formulas (they don’t even come close to breast milk). “Book:“The Crazy Makers”)
- Do your own research on vaccines and come up with what you think is best for your family. (web site:
- What skin products are you using on your child? Are they safe? (web sites: “Skin Deep”,,
- Chiropractic should be a part of every family’s health plan. (web sites:,
- Know that wherever you are in your health, you can always decide to make a change. The body is incredibly forgiving with all the damage we do.